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* *Price structure may be accessed by clients/potential clients only.  If you are interested in learning more about our prices, please contact our offices at 866-243-5054 to obtain the necessary password.

* *Document may be accessed by clients/potential clients only.  If you are interested in learning more about our fee structure, please contact our offices at 866-243-5054 to obtain the necessary password.

Cost Effective Delivery

Cost-effective delivery of current criminal records is a constant goal of SPI Researchers. We recognize that accuracy and a cost-effective price structure are of utmost importance. We work hard to provide records as timely as possible. It is the reason that clients use SPI Researchers.

Competitive Pricing Structure

Our pricing structure is under constant review and we continue to refine our methods to ensure that our product is affordable and competitive. Volume discounts are available.


Prices vary depending on the jurisdiction selected. 

Weekly Updates

All updates to the schedule of prices and court fees are updated every Sunday night as well as the first of each month. Please check National Court Fees on a regular basis to ensure you and your clients are aware of any changes that might be made.



All invoices are sent to SPI customers labeled as “Net 15 Days”. Invoices should be paid within 30 days of the bill date or interest at the rate of 1 ½% per month will accrue. SPI reserves the right to cease processing requests until outstanding invoices are paid.



There are miscellaneous court, extended search, and copy fees which are often invoiced after the fact by our researchers. These costs may appear as a separate entry for searches previously invoiced and are the result of not receiving the information until after billing is completed for the period.

Sample Reports

Our reports are easy to read and understand.  Our format can be customized and adapted by you for your own reporting format so you experience a minimal delay in converting our criminal record reports to your own.  



At no additional cost, we offer our unique Customer Results Report (CRR), which is designed to assist your own return on investment report. The CRR provides details on the level of service and results provided specific to your company, which allows you to easily measure the value of our product and assist you in offering your customer the same service. 

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