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Northern District of AL Awarded Over $3mil to Plaintiff in Lawsuit Against Experian

A civil suit filed in the Northern District of Alabama, Younger v. portfolio Recovery Associates LLC et al., alleging Experian violated the Fair Credit Reporting Act by failing to establish or follow reasonable procedures to assure maximum possible accuracy in the preparation of the credit report and credit files they publish and maintain was decided in favor of the Plaintiff last month, with the Plaintiff being awarded $3,005,000.

By their own admission, Experian does not initiate disputes based on suspicious correspondence "in an effort to safeguard your personal credit information from fraud," and declined to initiate the dispute indicating the determined that the request was not sent by the defendant. While the CRA did send a letter notifying the Plaintiff of their intent not to initiate the dispute, Experience neither requested additional information nor did they attempt to verify the Plaintiff had indeed send the correspondence.

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